I have a confession to make: Jane Doe is not my real name. You're probably thinking, "yeah, no kidding". But, truthfully, it might as well be. According to the website howmanyofme.com, I share my first and last name with 10,575 others in the United States, and a Google search of my name yields 349 million results.
It's easy to get lost in that sea.
As a teenager, I hated my name. It was so common that it made me feel boring and average. In time, I came to realize and understand that even though I have a common name, no one on this earth is average -- including me! We all have qualities that make us different and special, so I created a blog in 2009 to share my own.
Life as Jane Doe has changed and evolved since its creation 11 years ago. Today, my posts (mostly) focus on my love of books and what I'm currently reading. I love to share my thoughts about them to any (and every) one who will listen. And, hey, if I can lead fellow book lovers to new and interesting reads -- EVEN BETTER.